Sunday, 25 July 2010

Visual studio 2010 keyboard shortcut poster

Download from MS:

Friday, 16 July 2010

Visual Studio 2010 shortcuts

Default Keyboard shortcuts

C# Performance

Little notes on C# performance
  • For loop > Foreach
  • TryGetValue > if(variable.Contains(key)) variable[key]

Friday, 9 July 2010

Monday, 5 July 2010

Difference between softlink & hardlink

soft or symbolic is more of a short cut to the original file....if you delete the original the shortcut fails and if you only delete the short cut nothing happens to the original.

hard link is more of a mirror something to file1 and it appears in file 2
deleting one still keeps the other ok

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Little bash scripting learning


  • $? -- the exit status of last command
    • 0 = success
    • fail otherwise
  • $# -- No. of arguments
  • $@  -- All the arguments

Build project using msbuild at command line

Recently, I have been writing some sample scripts to help me re-compile and start up services in order.
However, I failed to compile those csproj files because that I couldn't provide variables that are needed by post-build-event.

After trying to provide all the variables one by one....I gave up....there were too many dependencies and I simply cannot provide them each time I add a new solution to my script.

After analysing those post-build-event, I realized that those events were used to maintain a master library and to keep the lib folder up-to-date ---- nothing to do with my script.

At the end, I solve the problem by simply adding a new property switch '/p:PostBuildEvent='. which ignores all those post build events......

Thursday, 1 July 2010

List file full path in Bash

$PWD contains the full path of the current directory.
To output the full path of a file, you can simply do
echo "$PWD/filename"

Easy and useful!